[ultimate_spacer height=”10″]It is every parent’s dream to watch as their child steps up to plate at their local little league game and knock one out of the park. However, without a place to play locally many parents, but more importantly many children are being denied the opportunity to participate in America’s national pastime.
In May of 2007, Conemaugh Township hired Pashek Associated to develop a Master Plan for the New Conemaugh Township Park located at 1454 Frankstown Road, Johnstown, PA. Which included a variety of improvements that would make the park a recreational hub for the region. Unfortunately, the Little League Baseball and Girls Softball Field was never built and as a result many kids
Our project for the John B. Gunter Community Leadership Initiative consists of continuing the master plan by building a New Little League Baseball and Girls Softball Field.

You can help kids fulfill their dreams of playing ball!
Your tax deductible contribution can also be sent to the Greater Johnstown/Cambria County Chamber Foundation at:
245 Market Street, Suite 100, Johnstown, PA, 15901-2910.